2019 at Advocates brought us our theme: Growing Hope out of Hurt.

Our Board and Senior Leadership team collaborated to identify the heart of our services; we decided that Hope is central to everything we do at Advocates. Hope is defined as the feeling that what we want can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Many of our clients have lost all hope when we first encounter them.

Through our team of professional and dedicated staff and our individualized client services, Hope is restored and a vision for the future is cast. 2019 also brought our first new program in 6 years- RISE (Resiliency, Independence, Self-sufficiency, and Empowerment). This program, designed specifically for youth experiencing homelessness between the ages of 18 and 24, ensures that they have a strong foundation to build upon and become self-sufficient by providing housing, essential services, and individualized programming.

As we look forward to 2020, we are excited about launching a new Strategic Plan filled with hope for the future at Advocates. We also look forward to achieving organization excellence by obtaining national accreditation through the Council on Accreditation.
Lastly, we look forward to your continued support in 2020, as your support in 2019 provided all of us here at Advocates with Hope.

Rachel Castillo