Our corporate partners support Advocates for Children in a number of ways and raise vital funds for us every year. Here you will find a comprehensive list of our Corporate Partnerships and the ways in which you can get involved.
Our organization relies on support from corporate partners to drive our work. Based on thoughtful conversation with your company, we’ll develop a customized partnership to direct your donation to initiatives and programs within Advocates for Children. If you make a commitment to support Advocates for Children, your funding will go toward our overall operation and management of our programs throughout Bartow County and surrounding North Georgia areas, reaching thousands of youth and families each year.
Advocates for Children also offers volunteer opportunities for employees passionate about our mission and helping others. We always welcome volunteers at our organization and we are happy to provide group opportunities that our corporate partners can offer to their employees.
To become a part of our Corporate Partner Team, please contact Carla Lavender, Development Director at development@advochild.org.