Hope in Your Home

Hope in Your Home2024-05-02T16:18:08-04:00

Advocates for Children’s home visitation program is designed to support families and children. This program is free and open to any parents or caretakers in the community. The program gives caregivers simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behavior, prevent problems developing and build strong, healthy relationships.

Our Hope in Your Home program focuses on two curricula: Parents as Teachers (PAT) and Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P).

The Triple-P curriculum focuses on social and behavioral development and the issues that can arise in these areas. This curriculum provides parents with skills, strategies, and confidence to sustain family management upon completion of the program. The aim is to create a positive, nurturing environment that will allow the family to grow together. The Triple-P curriculum is open to families with children 16 years old and younger.

The PAT curriculum is an evidence-based curriculum that uses physical, social, and emotional screenings and activity-centered lessons to positively impact child development. Parents as Teachers is a two-year curriculum serving families with children from prenatal through age 3 who wish to participate.

Referrals to the Hope in Your Home program come from a variety of sources, including individuals who need help, medical professionals, child care providers, and community members who are concerned about the risk of abuse or maltreatment occurring. To make a referral to our Hope in Your Home program, contact us at HIYHIntake@AdvoChild.org.

Hope in Your Home also operates First Steps and The Basics in Bartow County. Click below to learn more!

Contact Information:

Phone: 770-387-1143
Fax: 770.382.3550
Email: Cami@AdvoChild.org

Street Address
827 Joe Frank Harris Parkway
Cartersville, GA 30120

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 446
Cartersville, GA 30120

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